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Information for Artists

Are you interested in exhibiting with us at our next Salon Contemporary Arts Exhibition?  Here is all the information you need to apply:


About Salon Contemporary Arts


Salon Contemporary Arts is an artist led initiative to showcase Derbyshire based talent.  Our next show will be the 6th we have produced to date, all of which provided sales for all of our participating artists.  Though no one can guarantee sales, we do have an active audience of collectors and we do our best to promote and sell your work.  Our next show will take place at the prestigious Museum of Making, Derby in 2024 (13 to 16 June 2024).


Who can apply?


Salon Contemporary Arts is designed to showcase early to mid career artists/makers living and working in Derbyshire and the East Midlands. Your practice should be active and have an up to date artist CV (showing exhibitions, awards and qualifications etc).  Salon Contemporary Arts is non exclusive which means you are not tied to a contract beyond the exhibition in which you are participating.  Entry onto the website is voluntary but we reserve the right to publish photographs of the exhibition which may include your work.























Applications are welcome from artists based in Derbyshire and the East Midlands.




What makes it free? 


Commission earned by Salon Contemporary Arts and money raised from patrons is used to fund the show.  This includes production of promotional materials, catering and venue hire.


What kinds of work do we accept?


We consider all mediums for exhibition at Salon Contemporary Arts.  This includes but is not restricted to: sculpture/3D work, painting, photography, drawing, print, glass, ceramic, performance and video.


Work should be finished to a high standard and ready to exhibit.  For performance and video work there would need to be a commercial element to the work ie something you can sell.  This could be copies of the video or stills from the film (as limited edition prints).


How much will it cost?


There is no charge for participating in the exhibition.  Salon Contemporary Arts runs on a commission basis.  Artists are responsible for transporting their work to and from the venue.  Artists are responsible for the insurance of their own work against loss or damage.  The artist must indemnify the organisers against any claims made by a member of the public due to accident or injury caused by the artwork being incorrectly or dangerously installed.


While there is no charge for exhibiting with us, artists are expected to fully participate in the show.  This means installing and removal of your work, being present at the opening of the show and invigilation of your section during public opening days.


Full participation has become much more important since moving the show to the Museum of Making (Derby) in 2022.


How long does the show run for?


Typically Salon Contemporary Arts exhibitions and events run for 4 days. 


How much commission will I have to pay?


Art Exhibitions:  Commission is charged at 25% of the artwork price.  


How to Apply


Please follow the instructions below:


Salon Contemporary Arts Summer Show 2024 Submission Guidance


To make a submission for our summer show 2024 which will be held at The Museum of Making (Derby), please follow the instructions outlined below.  This could be our first view of your work and your practice so please take the time to complete the submission as instructed.  All applications are online for 2024.  Please click the button to make your submission.  It is advised that you read through the application and prepare your answers prior to completing the form.  If you have any questions about submissions, please feel free to contact us.



Submissions must be sent by 31 January 2024.  You will be notified by email within 1 week after the deadline.


Please bear in mind the following before making a submission:


  • There is no charge for submission or exhibiting with Salon Contemporary Arts.  You will only be charged commission on works sold (25%).

  • You will be required to hang your work for the show.  We are happy to help/advise on the best way to display your work.

  • You will be required to attend the opening of the show and to invigilate during the public opening hours.

  • It is advisable that you insure your work for the duration of the show.

  • We also advise that you make small prints of your work, which will be sold in the shop section of the show.  These should be mounted, labelled and bagged ready for sale (kits are available on amazon). As a guide, an A4 print in an A3 mount should be priced at around £35.00.  It is advised that you produce limited prints or merchandise for sale in the SCA shop.

  • You will also need Certificates of Authenticity for your main works on sale.

  • Dates for the show are 13 to 16 June 2024. 

  • If your work is selected for the show, please make sure it is supplied ready to hang/display and is finished to a professional standard.

  • Please make sure you account for commission in your pricing (25%).  This includes prints and merchandise for sale in the shop area.

  • We are accepting submissions from Derbyshire and East Midlands based artists only.  Consideration may be given to artists who have a strong connection to the region.  In this case, please contact us first before making your submission.

  • All types of artwork will be considered.  

  • 2D work will be displayed on temporary white walls.  Work cannot be displayed on museum walls.

  • Your Bio and Statement will be displayed alongside your work and in the catalogue so make it as clear and descriptive as you can. 

  • If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  We look forward to receiving your submissions.












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